CE Refund Policy: In order to receive a tuition refund, minus a $25 processing fee, the registrant must make the request by the course registration deadline. Requests made after the deadline are non-refundable.
SCDHA Virtual CE Fall Welcome Back!
Plan to join us for a virtual CE and presentation:
Mission Impossible: If you choose to accept this mission
Working as an OHASP RDH (1.5 CEUs)
Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Time: 6:30 – 8:00 PM Presentation
Location: Zoom
Course Description:
This course is to encourage the dental hygienist to obtain the Ohio Oral Health Access Supervision Permit. This course provides ideas and information on the benefits of working with an OHASP program and the different environments you may encounter. This is not the 8-hour course to apply for the OHASP permit nor is it a medical emergency course. This course outlines the reasons why you might want to work to the top of your license and the top of your education.
Beth Tronolone, BSDH, MOL
Chris Harmison, RDH, BA
Ann Naber, RDH, BS
Registration is Required
Follow registration directions on the form | RSVP by September 20th to receive link for the CE!!
The Zoom meeting link will be sent to each attendee prior to the meeting.
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Oral Health Care Workforce Training Courses
Are you looking to expand your knowledge and scope of practice? Here are the workforce training courses specific to oral health care that are offered through Stark State College, including Medical Emergencies for Dental Professionals, Local Anesthesia for the Dental Hygienist and Oral Health Access Provider Certification. For more information Click Here
CE Smart by ADHA
ADHA offers continuing education and CE tracking all in one place. It’s called CE Smart Tracker (free for ADHA members and $30 annually for Non-Members). Courses range in pricing; if you use
this system for continuing education, it will track your credits so when it comes time for your license renewal, all you have to do is download your full transcript and submit as evidence for
For more information: https://www.adha.org/education-resources/ce-smart/