Membership: What does it mean?

There are many tangible benefits available to association members such as continuing education opportunities through ADHA's self-study courses, ADHA and ODHA Annual Sessions, as well as numerous constituent and component sponsored functions. Additional member benefits include access to information through research and publications (including the Journal of Dental Hygiene and Access), professional and employment contacts, insurance, recognition, and leadership opportunities. For further information regarding these benefits go to:

Most importantly, membership provides:
  • Legislative representation from your affiliation with ADHA, ODHA, and local components. ODHA is the only association representing dental hygiene interests in the Ohio political arena.
  • Through membership you will build a professional identity and credentials for yourself and your profession.
  • You will be kept abreast of the current changes and trends occurring in the dental field.
  • You will have a chance to form new friendships with the people who share your professional beliefs and goals.
  • By attending ADHA, ODHA, and your local component functions, you can develop professional contacts that may lead you to new career possibilities.
  • You have opportunities to make a contribution to your community through professional activities.
  • You have opportunities for acquiring and developing new skills and interests such as leadership, public speaking, etc.
  • You can contribute to the protection of your role in the oral health care delivery system.

How to become a member?

The organization is tripartite; meaning, to be a member of SCDHA (local component), you must also join ADHA (National Association) and ODHA (State Association).  Joining is easy and completely done online.  You may join directly through ADHA or contact our component membership chair if you need more  information.

ADHA offers dues payment options.  Please check out the ADHA website for more information: 


The Student American Dental Hygienists' Association (SADHA) is the first link to the dental hygiene profession for dental hygiene students. Membership in SADHA joins the individual student with other students nationwide who are dedicated to building the ethical and educational future of their new profession. The Stark Collaborative Dental Hygienists’ Association strongly supports the membership of our student chapter in residence at Stark State College.

Student Member Transition

Once you graduate from your program, ADHA will offer you a FREE trial professional membership. In order to qualify, make sure that your graduation date is current in the ADHA database. Recent graduates can transition their student membership to an active professional membership by following these detailed guidelines provided by ADHA: Student to Professional Membership.

ADHA is moving away from paper applications for membership, so be sure to update  and renew your membership by visiting the members-only section of the ADHA website: 



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